How so, you might ask. Can you control where a gloppy, messy marble rolls while tilting your metal pan?
Neither can I.
Nor can I control the storms in my life. The disciples surely couldn't control the storm on the Sea of Galilee.
Some of these children find themselves in the midst of pretty scary storms: divorce, abuse, neglect, lack of self-worth, and bullying just to name a few.
Those rolling, messy marbles will make a beautiful design on each child's posterboard shape. And while the marbles roll we will discuss how Jesus can bring calm and beauty to our storms.
If we let Him.
This idea and more like it are available at rotation.org.
What a cool lesson! I too teach Sunday School....kindergarten through 2nd grade. I love the object lesson of the marble and the design it will leave in the midst of the "storm".
Thank you! It was fascinating to watch the designs unfold and the interesting color choices. The kids definitely enjoyed the lesson. Getting messy is always a plus!
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