You'll find a list of brand new blogs, brand new designs, and brand new homes. Christy was inspired to host The Big Bloggy Move because she moved her blog...today...to it's own domain. Congratulations Christy!
Little ol' me fits under the category of "new blog". So I want to welcome you to I Can Fly!
I started my blog to chronicle the the good things in my life. I have found my mind too often consumed with the negative. This morning I'm reminded of Philippians 4:8...
"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Who am I? I'm a child of God, wife to a Pastor, mother to 5, soapmaker, children's ministry director, and jack of all trades. I love vintage hence my Little Golden Book blog theme.I have a son on the autism spectrum. Our marriage and ministry has survived addiction.
If you would like read more of my story, click on the Ps. 103 button in the left column or explore my categories. I pray you feel welcomed and encouraged while you visit with me today!
Welcome to the bloggy world! Surfing by from the Big Bloggy Move...will be back later to explore!
Hi. I'm Jill. Found your blog through the big bloggy move. I'm excited to read more and could always use more Christian mom blogs to read!
Hey, thanks for stopping by after finding me on the Big Bloggy Move. Came to check out what a fellow pastor's wife has to say and I love-love-love your Sunday Silence photo posts!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Found you through the bloggy move. I look forward to reading more soon.
Thank you for sharing the Phillipians scripture. Your blog is lovely, and I'm looking forward to returning again.
Welcome to blogger and blogging! Your story sounds fascinating and I can't wait to read more about you. I found you through the big bloggy move, and even though I'm not new to blogging, I've redesigned my site for the new year.
Welcome to the world of blogging! I am a big LOST fan. We are watching the current season and it's still riveting.
Nice-looking blog! :)
Isn't blogging fun?
BTW, I'm a preacher's kid.
Came over from the Bloggy Move...welcome to blogging! What a great idea for your blog...to chronical the good things. I think everyone should remember to do that!
Hi Beth! WOW! I love your design. So cute! Did you do it yourself?
I LOVE your writing on PS 103. that's one of my favorite passages. I am so glad I found you today!
Thanks for playing along in our Big Bloggy Move. Look forward to getting to know you more!
So glad you joined us for your blogging debut!
Thanks to all of you who left comments! I thoroughly enjoyed the Big Bloggy Move. Thank you for the kind comments about my blog design and posts. I did make my own theme using an old Golden Book that I love. I look forward to getting to know you in the blogging world!
I love the book "I Can Fly!" I used to read it all of the time and then read it to my nieces and nephews later. Great choice!
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