Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturdays As Me

Today I pay for my frivolous fun. I will pull out my pastor's wife super hero cape...

which in my mind looks like the 1969 LGB Little Red Riding Hood...

I will lace up my tennis shoes and fly like the wind.

Saturdays are crunch day in a ministry family. If the week was busy, if everything didn't get done, it has to be done today. Sometimes we've been up till early morning hours preparing for worship the next day.

Today will include copying last week's sermon tapes, copying bulletins, preparing for communion, packing tubs of supplies for our Sunday evening Agape Dinner, and making a slideshow of 2007 pictures.

In addition to dispensing hugs, snacks, stories, and a listening ear as resident mom.

Probably not every pastor's wife is as involved in her husband's ministry as me. But I am. And I wouldn't change it. Before I even dated Brian I felt called to ministry. I wasn't sure how to define it as a young single woman, but I trusted that God would.

And God did. I have the privilege of working as a ministry partner with my husband.

Being a pastor's wife looks like many things. Today, for me, it will look like a blur.


Unknown said...

Wow. I found your blog through mom's blogs...and I read this first post and felt such a connection. I am 23 years old and my husband of 5 years and I have been involved in ministry work since we first got married. I too am very involved and also felt a calling at a very young age. I felt at age 17 that God was calling me to be a pastor's was quite hard to explain to people lol. I know exactly what you feel and mean about Saturdays. My husband is currently the worship leader and youth pastor at our church. I am the church secretary and Mother's Day Out director. Saturdays are hectic. I really enjoy reading what i have read so far and plan to check back if you don't mind. You can read my blog if you'd like

Beth said...

Thanks for stopping by and telling me a little bit of your story. I always love to meet other ministry wives. Our joys and our stresses are unique. It's good to bond together! Come back anytime.